Engineering Development Board was established in 1995. The primary mandate assigned to the board is policy formulation and implementation for facilitating and encouraging development & growth of the Engineering Industry of the country. Later it was decided that EDB shall function as an apex policy and decision-making body for all aspects concerning the Engineering Industry as per its terms of reference. EDB implemented indigenisation programs, carried out the tariff rationalisations, and other sectoral/business development activities for different engineering sectors.
Engineering Development Board was established on 15th May 1995 with the following terms of reference .
- Develop a long-term vision for the development of the engineering sector.
- Formulate and coordinate all government policies relating to the engineering sector.
- Develop an overall strategic engineering development plan.
- Promotion of export.
- Enhancement of technical training.
- Formulate policies and guidelines for utilisation of technology development and engineering funds.
- Appeal for grievances.
- Management of deletion / indigenisation policy.